User: MCJamaica

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User profile: MCJamaica

User info
User name:MCJamaica
Joined:Sep 25, 2010 at 12:06pm
Number of posts:24
Latest posts:

std::sort... problems to use this funtion
Thank you very much... It compiles and also run right now without a problem anymore.

std::sort... problems to use this funtion
Dear all, I have a huge problem by trying to use this funtion. I called this funtion from my main...

error: passing 'const ...' as 'this' argument of ... discards qualifiers
Hi everybody. I hope you can help me, because I have never handled before such a kind of error befor...

pointer as parameter
Thanks a lot! This was definitely something I had not yet a lot of experience with and especially th...

pointer as parameter
Hi all. I have a small problem concerning loosing the information of the pointer adress by going ba...

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