User profile: Lynnabelle

User info
User name:Lynnabelle
Name:Amy Lynn
Location:Spokane, WA
Bio:I'm a sophomore double-majoring in Math and Computer Science. I came to college with just a math major in mind, but an excellent CS professor convinced me to tack on the other one. I have taken CS I and II, both introductory courses in C++, and right now I'm taking Data Structures.

I consider myself an amateur, and the amount of knowledge that I lack is truly staggering... really, I'm a math nerd at heart. However, I feel that if I take enough Computer Science classes, I will become competent enough for the real world. As it is, programming is fun and engaging for me. I'm no genius, and I don't think I ever will achieve guru status, so while I'm here I might as well just learn what I can. I want to have fun with this!
Statistical data
Birthdate:Mar 25, 1993
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Need help with this recursion problem!!
To make an array of chars, you should write: [code]char arry[] = "erte";[/code]. Also, I don't thin...

Problem with functions. specifically calling a function from within a function.
Some of the issues are what ciphermagi already mentioned; line 7: one too many arguments in the fun...

problem with infinite loop
What helios means is that there is no function named strtok() here; perhaps you are referring to the...

Nothing happens when I run program?
What do you want the output to look like? Do you want it to loop randomly through the cases?