User: Liuqahs15

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User profile: Liuqahs15

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User name:Liuqahs15
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Values not being set when Constructor is called
One final update on the subject. I just realized the difference between the posted code and my code ...

Values not being set when Constructor is called
Well I knew there'd be some dumb errors in there; that's a severely pared down version of the code. ...

Values not being set when Constructor is called
I'm coding a game in Allegro, but this problem seems to go beyond that. Whenever I create an object,...

Making a Project
Do a written outline of how you plan to code the entire thing before you write a single line of code...

Visual C++ 2010 Compiler Glitch?
Thanks. I was under the impression that the [code]new[/code] changed a pointer into a regular variab...

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