User profile: Little Duck

User info
User name:Little Duck
Name:Dakota James
Location:The United States of America
Bio:Some people think of me as an amateur programmer. I like to think of myself as just a guy who knows how to party.
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Weird table issue.
For some reason this table produces several unwanted zeroes in between the values. How do I get rid...

Computer Architecture.
Does anyone know of any good websites that deal with and/or teach the subject of computer architectu...

How does one make the <enter> key a variable?
Hey, it worked! Laughing my arse off, you guys are great. Thx.

How does one make the <enter> key a variable?
Thank you, Mr/Ms Galik. Unfortunately though, that still only allows the user to type letters. I w...

How does one make the <enter> key a variable?
I'm trying to construct a program wherein the program will display a line of text, then the user is ...