User: LeoMessi

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User profile: LeoMessi

User info
User name:LeoMessi
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

FileReader() -- Error -- Printing last line twice
and again how should i set up my global variables or should i use global variable? as i have 8 funct...

FileReader() -- Error -- Printing last line twice
Thank you so much, i went over my code and i found it, i had [quote] output_label_singleMailing(); [...

FileReader() -- Error -- Printing last line twice
Hello guys, i need help with this issue, i am trying to read a text file and process it, so i did it...

read a text file
thank you for replying Ganado, but unfortunately it didn't work. let me explain. this should be in t...

read a text file
hello guys, I am trying to read a text file which contains 5 blocks of 7 lines each, and each lin...

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