User: LeLorrain

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User profile: LeLorrain

User info
User name:LeLorrain
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Linux c++ compile errors that baffle me ...
@fiji885: Thanks, I changed it and the module compile without error! I could have read the code 1000...

Linux c++ compile errors that baffle me ...
@fiji885: The header "common.h" included in "Timer.ccp" include the necessary c++ libraries as well ...

Linux c++ compile errors that baffle me ...
For the first time, I am trying to write a program under Linux UBUNTU using gcc and I get some compi...

Error C2662 and C2664
OK, I corrected the first error (C2662). I found the explication on MSDN: I removed the "const" q...

Error C2662 and C2664
I get two errors with MS VC++ 6 c/w Sp5 which I do not understand! The first error c2662 is on a...

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