User: Lamas

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User profile: Lamas

User info
User name:Lamas
Name:João Lamas
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Array shift in C
Hello. I'm programming a microcontroler, and I've a problem with transfering Data. I've create...

char to unsigned char
memcpy( ucBuffer, InputPacketBuffer, sizeof( ucBuffer ) ); worked =) I wasn't diplaying the right ...

char to unsigned char
Neither of them worked... In the first (kooth) it builded, but it didn't work. I've a chart were ...

char to unsigned char
Hi there. I've a program in C++ which receive an array of chars. char InputPacketBuffer[64]; Ea...

VS C++ Variables
[code] char OutputPacketBuffer[64]; OutputPacketBuffer[0] = 0x83; char InputPacketBuffer[64...

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