User: Kondensator

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User profile: Kondensator

User info
User name:Kondensator
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

SDL smooth velocity decreasing
Hello. I am making tiny game for just my own pleasure. I have one tiny problem with movement. When I...

static member of class
Ohh i meant loadFromFile every time there. But the biggest problem is that when I declare extern Obj...

static member of class
How should I define static member of class in this case? Object::tex.loadMedia didn't work Object....

Problem with switch case and while loop.
It is caused by fact that ch still exists and have "f" in it. You just have to do something to get r...

Global variable - undeclared identifier
Okay I did that and it works. What should I do to use that extern global variables in method of clas...

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