User: Knocturne

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User profile: Knocturne

User info
User name:Knocturne
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Random pair maker
That's just about exactly what I want to do. So, I should use rand() to split the single list into t...

Random pair maker
It's all in a single list, though. A list of names (they can be represented by integers if it's simp...

Random pair maker
I need to make a program that takes a set of values and pairs them up at random, without repeats. Is...

Conjugation program
Thank you sooo much. Substr() turned out to be exactly what I needed. Now it's just a matter of addi...

Conjugation program
That's exactly what I needed, thank you. The problem is, I'm really new to all of this, could you ex...

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