User: Kim van der Linde

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  • Kim van der Linde

User profile: Kim van der Linde

User info
User name:Kim van der Linde
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

array1[array2[1]] question
Here is the whole first lines of fitmodel: [code]int fitmodel(int nr, int nc, matrix_type field, in...

array1[array2[1]] question
From a for next loop that goes through the curves in the model array. [code] for(k=0; k<ncur...

array1[array2[1]] question
Okay, that might explain it then. The 2006 compile was on the then frequent used compiler, so I doub...

array1[array2[1]] question
Yes, the code is from 1995-1996 and a mix of C/C#/C++, and we recompiled it in 2006 with a few small...

array1[array2[1]] question
Okay, so now you know why I am puzzled. Looks like you guys are as well.... And I do not need to ge...

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