Need help with User-Defined Functions and LoopingYou're passing the arguments in the wrong order. Line 70 is [code] gross = Gross(hours, wage); [/cod...
Need help with User-Defined Functions and LoopingPerhaps you could trace the input to [code]Gross[/code] from [code]GetData[/code] with [code]std::co...
Need help with User-Defined Functions and LoopingYou're [code]Gross[/code] function looks like it behaves correctly. Somehow the code that passes inp...
Need help with User-Defined Functions and LoopingHave you passed in an hours value that you know is greater than 40 and put a [code]std::cout[/code] ...
Need help with User-Defined Functions and LoopingOne more thing you could do is define constants. For example in [code]Gross[/code]. Your calculating...