User: Kelthar

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User profile: Kelthar

User info
User name:Kelthar
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

[C++] MFC FTP Uploader
The upload part is now working perfectly fine, it uploads fine. However, certain files will upload ...

[C++] MFC FTP Uploader
@kooth It already navigates to the directory I need, that's the first thing it does after logging in...

[C++] MFC FTP Uploader
Okay so I evolved a bit. Now it does upload files, but the problem comes to the file names.. [code...

[C++] MFC FTP Uploader
As I said before, I'm kind of a newbie at programming, how can I find the TRACE file? :S Or put the ...

[C++] MFC FTP Uploader
When it uploaded it executed MessageBox("Unable to upload file"); not TRACE. I'll remove the box to ...

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