User: Jynks

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User profile: Jynks

User info
User name:Jynks
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Sorting a 2D Char Array in Alpha order?
Hi there, I am trying to sort a 2D array of names into alphabetical order, but I can not seam to get...

Caculating Fibonachi Sequence WITHOUT using Recursion??
Our teacher as part of our tutorial work wanted us to make a program to take a user input of "n" and...

ASCII in the console...
So I wanted to jazz up some of my consol apps with sime ascii.. I found a few good apps that will co...

passing a enum to a function...
This is the only other way I can get it to work with out a global.... but seams wrong as if i ever n...

passing a enum to a function...
Here is some code I am testing with to get a better understanding of enums. Please remember I am a b...

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