User: JoshuaS

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User profile: JoshuaS

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User name:JoshuaS
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Creating a window with a border and caption
Thank you. Calling DefWindowProc() was the answer to my problem. Oh, and it's possible to call the ...

Creating a window with a border and caption
Hi everyone! I'm learning how to write my first Windows application. I've written the following c...

[Solved]What are security attributes?
Thanks, that was what I needed to know! :)

[Solved]What are security attributes?
Hi everyone! I'm learning how to program in Windows. I'm reading about threads here: http://www....

[C++] Program for storing cross-references with linked lists, print doesn't work
I've got a weird issue with the print function: it only prints something if there's only 1 element i...

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