User: Joo

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User profile: Joo

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User name:Joo
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Problem with copying a region from two dimensional array to another two dimensional array
d = floor (S/2), then padded will have (N+2d) rows and (M+2d) columns, where N,M are the dimension ...

Problem with copying a region from two dimensional array to another two dimensional array
I have a problem with my program. I want to copy a certain region of size SS around a pixel of index...

Simulation of waiting queues of planes in an airport using double ended queue
Really Thanks a lot. Your comment was too helpful for me. I discussed my professor about the problem...

Simulation of waiting queues of planes in an airport using double ended queue
@dhayden Thanks for your notes. I have resolved the stated issues. void DEQ<Type>::Remove_Rear() { ...

Simulation of waiting queues of planes in an airport using double ended queue
Thanks for your help. I want to know what functions should be implemented to handle the problem. Ple...

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