User: JohnWilliams

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User profile: JohnWilliams

User info
User name:JohnWilliams
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Question: Missing a chunk of information while reading from a file.
Yes, i thought that might be the issue that there might be a limit.. Thank you so much I have been s...

Question: Missing a chunk of information while reading from a file.
Hello All, I have a function named showcontent. I have around 5,000 lines that I am reading in fr...

C++ Homework
you can use modulus operator to figure out which ones are even and then count them!

Need Help With Bonus Rate Program
yes my assignment is due tomorrow and since I posted my answer on the web it was to potentially stop...

Need Help With Bonus Rate Program
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> }

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