User profile: JohnOPhelan

User info
User name:JohnOPhelan
Bio: Grateful for any help!
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Tests on characters
So if it returns \n also, then the test should be [code](in = 'p\n') [/code]?

Tests on characters
I'm trying to use getchar to determine what to do in the program. So if I type in p in the progra...

Passing addresses into functions
Good help guys, but Incubbus, wouldn't[code] *(ptr+1)[/code] give me the address [u]where [/u]the[co...

Passing addresses into functions
I'm writing in c btw. I have the address of a memory block, [code]float ptr[/code], containing [c...

if Loops
Thanks, I keep reading incorrectly that x equal y, and not x is assigned the value of y.