User: JoeSaddigh

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User profile: JoeSaddigh

User info
User name:JoeSaddigh
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Using swapmousebutton true to allow right click dragging of a window
I am required to somehow allow a window to be moved using a right click drag option. I have done thi...

Preventing a window being moved whilst in drag mode
OK I will stick with it. I did something simmilar to allow a client area drag operation. Thanks for ...

Preventing a window being moved whilst in drag mode
Hi, Where you have said return DefWindowProc, what is the function that contains this line of code?...

Preventing a window being moved whilst in drag mode
Thanks again, the cursor pos function works well I just need to refine where I move it to as it look...

Preventing a window being moved whilst in drag mode
Yessssssssssssssss!!!!! I now stop it by simply setting the values of the rect. I can't believe I d...

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