User: Jobizzu

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User profile: Jobizzu

User info
User name:Jobizzu
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Win32 TreeView Scrolling > 65k nodes
Yes. The way the app works is it reads in a data file supplied by one of our users, and lists certai...

Win32 TreeView Scrolling > 65k nodes
Hmm, you might be right about the scrollbar. I did a little more experimenting and discovered that t...

Win32 TreeView Scrolling > 65k nodes
I suspect this to be the case as well. The fact that it's occurring precisely at 65k suggests 16-bit...

Win32 TreeView Scrolling > 65k nodes
Hi there, I'm writing an application where I use a Win32 TreeView to display some data. I've noti...

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