User: Jerseppi

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User profile: Jerseppi

User info
User name:Jerseppi
Name:Tom Rowles
Location:United Kingdom
Bio:Tom, 21, UWE student.
Number of posts:20
Latest posts:

Confusion with the if/else statement
You will also need to look at the different types of "Loops" available to repeat the program, retrie...

Confusion with the if/else statement
Well, you can assign the variable to enumerate by testing the user score. This would be using a few ...

Storing/Reading vectors to a file
I really appreciate your input Peter. But could you please give me an example of doing this please. ...

Storing/Reading vectors to a file
@Peter87 My lecturer said something about overloading operators, but I have no idea what he was tal...

Storing/Reading vectors to a file
Okay, assume you have an interface as above allowing you to create a vehicle object and store these ...

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