User: Jaman3

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User profile: Jaman3

User info
User name:Jaman3
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Can't read single line using std::getline
I finally get it now. Thank you so much for your help. It was a huge help with you not just giving m...

Can't read single line using std::getline
Hmmm... I'm making some progress. You were right, line 12 was unnecessary. Now however I'm getting ...

Can't read single line using std::getline
Thank you for responding. So on line 14, I removed the while statement and now my output is: Case: ...

Can't read single line using std::getline
I am new to c++ so this might be a simple question. I am trying to read a single line at a time, how...

How to separate words on the same line in an .txt file
Thank you so much. That was all I needed.

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