User: JJpit

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User profile: JJpit

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User name:JJpit
Number of posts:7
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Trouble with sorting loop, all zeros
Thank you for you help that helped explain it to me and fixed my problem.

Trouble with sorting loop, all zeros
so i was able to figure that one out (line 25&31) last night and was able to fix it with [code]doubl...

Trouble with sorting loop, all zeros
[quote]why is the index in your Max() function only going up to 5? and why do you have a cout after ...

Trouble with sorting loop, all zeros
so for line 70 since i have it in main and all those are set to double that shouldn't pose a problem...

Trouble with sorting loop, all zeros
i have this program that i was given the majority of the code and tasked with finding the batting av...

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