User: Indranil Chowdhury

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  • Indranil Chowdhury

User profile: Indranil Chowdhury

User info
User name:Indranil Chowdhury
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

how to optimise a very simple function
When a function that simple is taking so much time it is bad news. Generally performance of a code ...

C vs C++
What are the decisive advantages of C++ over C of computational engineers? I can think of 1. pol...

Returning local memory as reference from function
Please ignore by above post. Multiple matrices can indeed be passed as references and returned witho...

Returning local memory as reference from function
Sorry for overloading this thread but I have another question. If I want to create multiple objects ...

Returning local memory as reference from function
Cubbi - I think I understand what you are saying. NRVO and copy elision are related terms which I am...

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