User: Ima noob

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User profile: Ima noob

User info
User name:Ima noob
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Doubles are giving me problems
Ok problem solved just had to change the condition of the while loop so that it would exit. Thanks a...

Doubles are giving me problems
ya how do i stop it from doing that cuz the loop never stops, and it should when rhs = 0.0 or counte...

Doubles are giving me problems
Ok then, why does jdn and counter turn into whole numbers with e-005 at the end of them?

Doubles are giving me problems
modf still returns the 0.05 as 0.049999999813735485. The main problem is when counter gets to 0.000...

Doubles are giving me problems
Ok so, first of all i made a double = 0.05, but when running the debugger it shows up as 0.04999. I ...

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