User: Ideka

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User profile: Ideka

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User name:Ideka
Number of posts:10
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Checking whether an object is an instance of a class or its subclasses
I just want my engine to take care of more stuff. E.g. the main loop.

Checking whether an object is an instance of a class or its subclasses
Thanks, m4ster r0shi, your message is very insightful, but... You see, I'm not [i]actually[/i] creat...

Checking whether an object is an instance of a class or its subclasses
[quote]Is storing the active instances in separate vectors (depending on their type) out of the ques...

Checking whether an object is an instance of a class or its subclasses
[quote]I probably didn't explain myself well, but what you did there is more or less what I said.[/q...

Checking whether an object is an instance of a class or its subclasses
[quote]But at least it satisfies the KISS principle, the Law of Demeter, and Archimedes' principle [...

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