User: Hypatia

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User profile: Hypatia

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User name:Hypatia
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

about pointer to funtion
so, that means it defines a type of reference to a function? It seems I didnot know this conception ...

ifstream Problem..
I also encountered this kind of problems before. Then I tried to read the fstream and find this clea...

about pointer to funtion
This is a question from Stroustrup's book(The C++ programming language special ed.) Q: what does ...

An exercise in Stroustrup's book
The C++ programming language(Special edition) p.86-6: what is the longest local name you can use...

Why is while( cin ) valid?
cin is defines as: extern istream cin; which means cin is an object, but while( ? ), here the type ...

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