User: Hiner

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User profile: Hiner

User info
User name:Hiner
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

How to check type of Handles?
I mean handles to managed objects. I know how to check types of pointers to unmanaged objects using...

How to check type of Handles?
I have 2 ref classes. I want to make some code to check the type of handles, not pointers. For p...

I am seeking for hints for a very simple MP3 player
Thanks for your reply. I use it in a Windows Form, which is for a mini-game.

I am seeking for hints for a very simple MP3 player
I am seeking for codes for a MP3 player - as simple as it can be. NO GUI NEEDED. Just make it sim...

Separating Declaration and Assignment
I have a C++ statement. I want to separate it into 2, like this: If I see this: int n = 1;...

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