User: HighwayStar77

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User profile: HighwayStar77

User info
User name:HighwayStar77
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Sending terminal output to text file
I have to do an assignment where I make a diamond in C++ with asterisks and output the result to the...

I'm at a loss (input/output)
I have to use if statements based on the typical U.S. grading scale like this[output] 'A': grade >= ...

I'm at a loss (input/output)
Okay for the last part I have to use if statements to put their letter grade in the output file. I k...

I'm at a loss (input/output)
There were just two names in the input .txt. My problem was that I was opening the files twice. Do I...

I'm at a loss (input/output)
I have an assignment that requires me to read names from one .txt file and grades from another and s...

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