User: Hidden307

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User profile: Hidden307

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User name:Hidden307
Number of posts:12
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A little new to this.. Need help fixing this!
Yah thank you. You saved me alot of time blackcoder i'd give you a hug but I can't reach. :P

A little new to this.. Need help fixing this!
Thank you blackcoder41. But it seems to have a error. [code] 1>c:\users\me\documents\visual studio...

A little new to this.. Need help fixing this!
So will someone by kind enough to help me with my problem instead of wasting my time and actually re...

A little new to this.. Need help fixing this!
This isn't the right section for this thread? Swore the description of this section this forum was f...

A little new to this.. Need help fixing this!
Here you go then: Screenshot: ...

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