User: Haximus

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User profile: Haximus

User info
User name:Haximus
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Client or server, which controls gameplay?
Hello. I've started on SFML and plan to make a simple multiplayer platformer. The problem is, I w...

.dll Injection
Hi! I've been attempting to learn to make .dlls, to inject into other processes. My question is,...

too few arguments to function `void loa::drawMap(int)'
[code]void drawMap(int a) {[/code] What's wrong? I get the error [code]too few arguments to...

Replacement for system("cls"); ?
Are there any other methods of achieving this? Thanks in advance.

system("title variable"); ?
[b]How would I set the title of the window to a variable (string) ?[/b]

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