User: Hard Stone

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User profile: Hard Stone

User info
User name:Hard Stone
Old user name:Faiz shahid
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

need idea to solve this Problem Please
Write a program that calculates how much money you’ll end up with if you invest an amount of money...

Tell me whats wrong in my code please
500*0.3=150. OMG now i understand what is my mistake me need to do multiply not subtraction.. Thank ...

Tell me whats wrong in my code please
Thanks I know 30% of 500 is 150 but how can we write the formula of ta and ca? like ta=s-30%; // ...

Tell me whats wrong in my code please
Thank you for the reply My problem is Unexpected output.. unexpected Output is Enter sales:500 Te...

Tell me whats wrong in my code please
Write your question here. Write a program that display running total of sales as many as enter by t...

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