User profile: Happilicious

User info
User name:Happilicious
Joined:Nov 21, 2016 at 4:10pm
Number of posts:37
Latest posts:

Is interpreting sensor value safer with unsigned?
I have read the application details and it is signed 16-bit number in two's complement format. In te...

Is interpreting sensor value safer with unsigned?
I am currently working on spi sensor that spits out 16-bit two's complement system value, since I ha...

How to ignore timestamp changes embed in files when committing
Thank you very much for the input, I'll make sure that the keyword would be unique enough to not cau...

How to ignore timestamp changes embed in files when committing
There is a program I'm using that generates files (*.c, *.h, *.xml, etc). As all the files it gene...

Solving data alignment issue
You are right jonnin. I used memmove at the end and it works well for this implementation. Thank you...