User: Hampton

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User profile: Hampton

User info
User name:Hampton
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Unresolved external symbol
Alright, looks like I actually didn't pay enough attention. operator<< was a friend function for Spa...

Unresolved external symbol
Hey guys. Doing my homework and struggling to find out why this error occurs. [code] Error LNK20...

Stack using SingleLinkedList
Okay. What about this? [code]int& Stack::top() { int* value = new int; *value=list.get_nth(0); po...

Stack using SingleLinkedList
Still looking for advice. Can someone explain why [code] int& Stack::top() { int* value = new int; ...

Stack using SingleLinkedList
But it's not going to be a reference. Single_List::get_nth(int) returning just int, so [code]Stack s...

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