User: HEAden

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User profile: HEAden

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User name:HEAden
Number of posts:11
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{} after initialized variable
The {} syntax also creates a scope. Eg: [Code] If (1){ } [/Code] Any variables declared in the scope...

Why is the name of the files affecting the structs in C++?
Here is the solution: [code] Motor_Group& leftDrive() { static Motor_Group* leftDrive = new Motor...

Why is the name of the files affecting the structs in C++?
Here is the zip: Edit: the file "m...

Why is the name of the files affecting the structs in C++?
@JLBorges the thing is that it doesnt corupt 50% the time, it doesnt work 100% of teh time

Why is the name of the files affecting the structs in C++?
Had anyone has experience this? Is this normal to happen to global class objects? I have done the sa...

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