User profile: Gulogomi

User info
User name:Gulogomi
Name:Niclas A
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Don't know how to get started
Thanks everyone for the great answers. I'd appreciate it :)

Don't know how to get started
Greetings everyone! I'm currently learning C++, and I have just passed the topic 'Pointers'. I ha...

Loop continues when writing multiple numbers or chars
The problem is now solved, I needed to clear the cin and use the cin.ignore, after the invalid messa...

Loop continues when writing multiple numbers or chars
Thank dhayden for the answer, The numbers are now working, thanks. BUT if I enter a char, it runs a...

Loop continues when writing multiple numbers or chars
[quote]menu(); You need to call menu again inside the loop. Otherwise menuSelect will be the char y...