User: GrailStudios

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User profile: GrailStudios

User info
User name:GrailStudios
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Is there a function that will allow me to store data?
I need help with making a function that will allow me to store things somewhere like an inventory sy...

Text-Based Adventure-Need Help
Yes, it does. Thank you!

I Can't Stop Using Goto Statments-Help!
Hey, I've only been programming for a short time and though I realize it is bad,its hard to stop us...

Text-Based Adventure-Need Help
I just want it to work. For some reason it keeps saying undefined reference to 'roomA()' undefined r...

Text-Based Adventure-Need Help
[code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string...

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