User: GobblingMonkey78

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User profile: GobblingMonkey78

User info
User name:GobblingMonkey78
Location:Southern California
Bio:I am studying to become a Computer Science Major.
I like monkeys and parrots.
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

How to make it "snow" in command prompt.
Hello. I need to make an array of 50 points or coordinates on the command prompt. They need to start...

How do I make an itinerary file in C++?
Hi AbstractionAnon. The reason I am using them is because that is what my professor wants. It is how...

How do I make an itinerary file in C++?
Hello. I need to make an array of airports. The program needs to ask the user for a string of 3 lett...

How to calculate distance in Nautical miles using structures
Hello Bdanielz or anyone else. I managed to fix it so it will ask the user for the details about the...

How to calculate distance in Nautical miles using structures
Hello. Thank you for your reply. It is what I am told to do by my professor.

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