User: GerryWolff

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User profile: GerryWolff

User info
User name:GerryWolff
Name:Dr Gerry Wolff
Location:Menai Bridge, UK
Bio:Research integrating computing and cognition
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

problem with fscanf
The first character in "ifile" is 'S' but the program is giving me 'i' as the value of "c". What ch...

problem with fscanf
Thanks for the various answers. Of course I didn't give all the necessary information. Here's a cut ...

problem with fscanf
There seems to be something wrong with this: [code] if((fscanf(ifile, "%c", &c)) == NIL) a...

Problem with getline()
I have a problem with this C++ code: [code] ifile has been opened successfully. ... std::string str...

C2146 Syntax error
Thanks for this. By a bit more digging, I'd arrived at much the same conclusion.

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