User: GameOn

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User profile: GameOn

User info
User name:GameOn
Number of posts:32
Latest posts:

overflowof int
srry for late reply and thx for such an elaborate explaination :) btw by TLE i mean "time limit exp...

overflowof int
if i take 'i as int and num is long long and go like this [code] num=i*i; [/code] then it will ...

its not talkin long long a=111111111111(12 1's)
but my problem is not about storing large number in int.its about how that big number is gettin stor...

its not talkin long long a=111111111111(12 1's)
well in one code if i assign a=12 1's its showing tht "integer constant is too large for ‘long’ ...

Different data type giving different answers
can't we compare two float or two double value? when i am taking float as data type my code giving d...

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