User: GPP

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User profile: GPP

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User name:GPP
Number of posts:15
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General math calculations
calc_x = floor(origin.x/32) calc_x = floor((100)/32) calc_x = floor(3.125) calc_x = 3 calc_y = floo...

General math calculations
okay I just realized that test_square, should never have to deal with decimals. [code] int calc...

General math calculations
ohhhh. that looks like a lot there. sooo. [code]int calc_x = floor( ( int ) origin.x/32);[/code] ...

General math calculations
oh maybe Im using the floor command wrong. I thought calc_y = floor(3.15) would set calc_y to 3? if ...

General math calculations
I dont need any decimals, I want test_square to be set to 63

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