User: Fraidy Levilev

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User profile: Fraidy Levilev

User info
User name:Fraidy Levilev
Number of posts:26
Latest posts:

sort integers using if-else
I wrote this code to sort 3 integers but I can't figure out how to add a 4th. The program is suppose...

loops for best fit line calculation
Everything else works now except for the square sums formula. If my variable for the loop is z, I ba...

loops for best fit line calculation
I originally had it at i=0 but the answers were wrong and I thought since in main my loop starts at ...

loops for best fit line calculation
I'm writing this program to calculate the best fit line. It's not finished. I'm doing it step to ste...

fibonacci sequence
I wrote this code for the first 25 terms of the fibonacci sequence beginning with 1. It works fine, ...

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