User profile: FoolishOrpheus

User info
User name:FoolishOrpheus
Bio:I'm a cheerleader for foolishness.
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Help with Solving Errors
Thank you, Aceix. I think that was just a copy error (I'm copying from a terminal window), because I...

Help with Solving Errors
Oh! Thanks for the help with the second error. That solved it! The lab says I can't add any headers...

Help with Solving Errors
I am compiling a .cpp called SymbolTable. I get a lot of errors, but most of them are the same error...

Declaring Objects/Scope
Thanks, busturdust! I feel silly... xD It was a very simple solution! Thanks again.

Declaring Objects/Scope
Hi! I'm a beginner at C++ and I've been doing some reading on it, but I don't really understand scop...