User: Floyd

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User profile: Floyd

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User name:Floyd
Number of posts:7
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C++ String to unsigned long
Thank you for all help! I did just like LowestOne said: [code]string ID = "10"; cout << "Base 10:...

C++ String to unsigned long
Hello everybody! I´m searching a way to convert C++ string to unsigned long format. My code:...

How to access predefined bit range in Bitset - container
Firedraco just opened my mind. I did exactly like he said. I used straight those Bitset Containers f...

How to access predefined bit range in Bitset - container
Like ne555 said, there´s no to_ullong() method available in Bitset Container class. There is just...

How to access predefined bit range in Bitset - container
With java - language it´s already made: "Function: get() public BitSet get(int fromIndex, int toI...

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