User: FireFreek

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User profile: FireFreek

User info
User name:FireFreek
Joined:Aug 4, 2009 at 11:28pm
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Adding a header file?
Thanks for that, i didn't know classes needed semicolons. I'm new to classes in C++ though. Perso...

Adding a header file?
So I have a file called main.cpp and another called Character.h, in the same folder in a DevC++ proj...

Converting an int into a char[]?
Ah thanks, but i found the function [code]sprintf()[/code], and it worked fine.

Converting an int into a char[]?
Ok I tried what WebJose told me, and it still doesn't seem to work.. All it seems to output are '^' ...

Converting an int into a char[]?
I'm using a function that outputs text on the screen, but only accepts a const char*. So I made a fu...

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