User: Fasih Ahmed

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User profile: Fasih Ahmed

User info
User name:Fasih Ahmed
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Linking a static library to a dynamic library
I was building this on windows platform using C++ Express Edition 2008.

Linking a static library to a dynamic library
Got it. You cannot import anything into a library, you can only export. In the file [b]dynamicLi...

Linking a static library to a dynamic library
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__staticLibFunc referenced in function _dynamicLibFun...

Linking a static library to a dynamic library
Exactly, The linker finds the static library, but cannot import the the symbols exported from it ...

Linking a static library to a dynamic library
Hi, I'm working on a pet project which dynamically loads several dlls. One of the dll in turn has...

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