User: EzioKurosaki

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User profile: EzioKurosaki

User info
User name:EzioKurosaki
Bio:A new C++ programmer that needs a lot of work. Self-taught. I like gaming and studying philosophy. Favorite 360 games are Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Skyrim.
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Code::Blocks Gaming(?)
If anyone here uses Code::Blocks for C++ and has made simple point and click games, or just interfac...

Basic Calculator with Functions
Derp. I can't believe I didn't see that one for myself XD Oh well. I feel for a week or so of readin...

Basic Calculator with Functions
Thanks guys! I finally got it working the way I wanted, but I got one more little bug that's killing...

Basic Calculator with Functions
Hey ResidentBiscuit, I'm very new. Like, a week into self-teaching myself. Thus the reason I'm so be...

Basic Calculator with Functions
I was in the process of making a basic calculator, when my friend mentioned that using int addition(...

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