User: Evilcise

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User profile: Evilcise

User info
User name:Evilcise
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Newb needing help
Sorry I was not even awake at the times you two replied haha, well I do have some so far working on ...

Newb needing help
I have an assignment due tomorrow and its been a pain. I have no idea where to really start, or even...

Newbie back for more
Yeah I know the while loop is a pain, we talked about it in class, aparently its there if you put in...

Newbie back for more
So I've got a lab due tuesday and I am at the point where I'm just confused. It's a skeleton code an...

Newb Here needing a nudge in the right direction!
That is so epic, I was working on it myself and was thinking about the <= becoming < but I had no id...

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