User: Enchant

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User profile: Enchant

User info
User name:Enchant
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Implementing a reload function
I fixed it by looking at how I did my cooldown and implementing this: [code]void Turret::shoot(doub...

Implementing a reload function
I am making a tank game, and I am trying to implement a reload function. What I have now is this: ...

[C++]Using the pythagorean theorem for collision detection
Oh my god, I just realized I set center.y to TopLeft.x... Everything is fixed now. Marking as solved...

[C++]Using the pythagorean theorem for collision detection
I'll post a few chunks of my ghost code. I've only been programming for a few months, but I don't re...

[C++]Using the pythagorean theorem for collision detection
After a bit more testing, I appear to get hit when I am on the same y or x axis as the ghosts, but t...

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