User: EnGxSoLiD

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User profile: EnGxSoLiD

User info
User name:EnGxSoLiD
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

reading from a .txt file and writing to another one at the same time
thanks tfityo and vrnichol ! tfityo That solved the problem ! :) I thought that spaces and setw() ...

reading from a .txt file and writing to another one at the same time
Long title :D ?? I have this question and I am really not sure what to do. the question has 2 pa...

Sending Two Arrays to 1 Function
Need a little help with this question : [code]Write a program that asks user to input two matrix ...

I am getting infinite loop using recursive function :(
ascii , andywestken , whitenite1 THANK YOU GUYS VERY MUCH :) ascii I just noticed that .. thank y...

I am getting infinite loop using recursive function :(
Hello there, Thank you for your time. I am having a small trouble here , trying to print out an arra...

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