User profile: EmilyC137

User info
User name:EmilyC137
Old user name:em62
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

How does one get the width of an general int
10 years ago I worked as a developer in c++, my fundamentals are great. Anyway, here is the code I h...

How does one get the width of an general int
Of course! Poifect example! It is somewhat comforting that someone out in the world can understand ...

How does one get the width of an general int
From everyone's suggestions I settled (for now) the following: constexpr TypeOfInt HIGH_BIT = ~( s...

How does one get the width of an general int
JLBorges - yes, I read the standard and was nonplussed. Let me reiterate the original question, is ...

How does one get the width of an general int
JLBorges - here is a test that hopefully shows the crux of the situation, std::cout << std::numer...